Perfect Pruning, Simonit&Sirch method

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We finished our pruning for the 2022 season. Always a tedious job, but always the most underestimated one, because of the importance of it. At Can Gelat we follow strict the Simonit&Sirch pruning method. This to stimulate the health of the plant, respect for the vine and high-quality production. These are the keywords being implemented at our pruning, especially important in a warm climate like Mallorca. The first goal of the Method is driving the branching development respecting vine’s organic growth. We respect the vascular flow through the structure of the plant to optimize the sap flow. By making small cuts we reduce cutting surfaces. A precision pruning greatly reduces the area of the wound exposed, thus the risk of wood disease. Based on our varietals we have chosen for Cordon Royat and Guyot. Guaranteeing the best quality of the fruit. Enjoy viewing or learning the Simonit &Sirch pruning method at Can Gelat? Participate the Viñador Wine Tour in February or March 2023. Checkñadorwinetour for the dates. 

Example of Guyot Pruning of Giró Ros